Opening hours

External shot of Hyde Park Picture House on the corner of Brudenell Road and Queen's Road during a cloudy dusk. The lights of The Picture House are shining and the light from the classic lamppost is shining.

The cinema’s Box Office and Café Bar will be open to the public during the following hours:

  • Mon-Tues: 4pm – 10pm
  • Wed: 10.30am – 10pm
  • Thu-Fri: 2pm – 10pm
  • Sat-Sun: 10.30am – 10pm

You’re very welcome to visit The Picture House to enjoy a drink, meet friends and make use of our facilities, even if you’re not here to see a film.


Theatre for All

A woman with a mobility cane in the auditorium of Leeds Grand Theatre in front of the orchestra and stage.

Opera North Touch Tour at Leeds Grand Theatre. Credit Tom Arber

We believe that the arts and culture can change lives, improve well-being, and remind us of what connects us as humans.

We would like to provide further Accessible shows across our venues, but we need your help. Your donation will help us reach new audiences who may otherwise never experience the shared connection of live performance.

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Image of two audience members sat in the stalls at City Varieties Music Hall taken from behind sharing a comment about the show they're seeing.