Leigh Francis: A grand return
As Leigh Francis brings his Leigh Francis In Conversation tour to The Grand this December, we had to get in conversation with the one and only Leigh Francis.
Written by Henry Crabtree
ExactLeigh what to expect
Your new autobiography Leigh, Myself and I, dives into your life and career. Do you have any stories that didn’t make it into the book that you can share with us here?
Funnily enough, there’s loads of things I missed out. My wife keeps saying “You missed this out, you missed that out”. She saw online how much the Olympic torch was worth then she said “Oh my god! You didn’t put in your book that you ran with the Olympic torch.” So yeah, I once ran with the Olympic torch! And the time I had a bit of time off and went on tour to America with the Spice Girls. I remember we tried to get as many people as we could into Emma’s shower. Not with it switched on, and we were all fully clothed!
Kate Thornton is joining you on stage as your co-host. Can you tell us more about your on-stage rapport and why you make such a dynamic duo?
She’s not really a co-host, she’s just interviewing me. I’ve known Kate for a long time before I became ‘famous’, so we know each other quite well. She’s good at interviewing. She’s interviewed me before on her podcast White Wine Question Time. She has a journalism background, so knows exactly what she’s doing. And I feel safe with her. I think we’ll have a good laugh. She’s interviewing me via props I’ve used on the telly, so I’m sure a few characters will make appearances.

Leigh Francis - a ball of energy!
Your upcoming show at Leeds Grand Theatre is sure to be an incredible night of stories and laughter. What are you most excited to share with the audience?
Do you know, it was my favourite venue from the My First Time tour I did earlier this year? That was basically a live sketch show and this is gonna be COMPLETELY different, with Kate chatting to me about my life and career. It means a lot to me that I’m doing this in Leeds. They’re an amazing audience. True, there will be a fair amount of the audience that are my friends and family, but that’s why it’ll be so lovely. I’ll probably get some of them up on stage. It all sounds self-indulgent, doesn’t it? But I guess when you write a memoir it is self-indulgent, it’s about you. And that’s what the evening’s going to be. Me chatting about my life with my mate Kate. Then we’ll have a Christmas sing-song with everyone at the end!
Live, Laugh, Leigh
If you had to go on a night out with one of your characters, who would you choose, and why?
Keith Lemon I guess. He’s a simple man who only cares about having a fun time. I think I’m quite fun, but I’m not as fun as Mr Lemon. Fun Overload! People still don’t get that Keith is just a character and I’m not him. I’m forever saying my name’s Leigh. People will often say they didn’t realise that Keith isn’t my real name. Not only is it not my real name, Keith is not a real person. He’s a fictional character that I made up. His life is not mine! There is a real Keith Lemon – he’s my mate from school that I’ve known all my life. He’s not like the character though, he’s still a lot of fun! That baffles people too. That Keith Lemon is one of my mates. I just used his name as a shout-out to him!
You’ve brought so many iconic characters to life. What does that process look like, and do you have a favourite to perform as?
Characters develop and change over the years. The longer you do them, the better you get to know them. With the likes of Avid Merrion and Keith Lemon, I just lived with them to find out who they are. I’d have a rough idea as to what I’d like the character to be, but you have to experience being them out in the public – that’s how it is for me anyway. When I started doing Amanda Holden’s gran we just sat in a room for a while and chatted. Then the following day I sat to have three hours of make-up and me and Amanda just went out for the day.

Looking foxy, Leigh!
If you weren’t in comedy and entertainment, what do you think you’d be doing? Is there a secret dream job you’ve never told anyone about?
Well before telly I was a graphic designer. I guess I’d still be doing that. I’m always drawing, painting and making stuff. I enjoyed doing Portrait Artist of the Year! I think I was just a bit too chuffed when I won.
Our very own Leighds legend
As a Leeds native, what do you most look forward to when performing in your hometown?
Firstly, I get to see my mum and the rest of my family. My mates. The theatre is my favourite theatre. I love it there. The audience feels like they’re all on top of you. And they’re me people! I’m a Leeds kid, so it makes me feel very proud to be there. The first time I went to The Grand was to see The Rocky Horror Show (editor’s note: it’s coming back in June 2025!). And now I’m on the stage there! It’s a lovely feeling. Plus, have you seen the toilets there!? Lovely toilets!
Your new book, Leigh, Myself and I details “the story of a little boy called Leigh Francis who became a naughty bear.” If you could give your childhood self one piece of advice, what would it be?
My dad always said never mind what everyone else is doing, you just do your thing. You do you and do your best. That’s what I live by.

Leigh Francis on stage at Leeds Grand Theatre

The best bogs in Leeds (according to Leigh!). Credit: Sarah Jewers
Book tickets

Leigh Francis In Conversation is at Leeds Grand Theatre for one night only on Sat 14 December 2024.
With his outrageous humour and infectious energy, Francis has become a household name in the UK and beyond. Joined by host the renowned broadcaster Kate Thornton, Leigh will share personal insights, behind-the-scenes tales, and his unique perspective on the world of comedy. The show also celebrates his new autobiography, Leigh, Myself and I: The Autobiography of Me.