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A previous cast of Fantastically Great Women on stage in space age neon leotards and black leather trench coats.

Celebrating Fantastically Great Women for International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Today is International Day of Women and Girls in Science and, to celebrate, we spoke to Leah Vassell, cast member of Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World, about all the women she celebrates. Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World comes to Leeds Grand Theatre Wed 28 February – Sun 3 March 2024.

Written by Guest Author


Celebrating inspirational women on stage

Tell us a bit about  Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World

Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World is an inspiring, girl-power musical celebrating amazing women who have changed history as we know it, including Rosa Parks, Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Jane Austen and many more!

Who do you play in the show?

I play Amelia Earhart, Mary Seacole, and Rosa Parks, and a few others!

Have you learned any fun facts about any of the inspiring women in the show?

So many, especially because a lot of these women[‘s stories] were simply not taught when I was at school! I’d never learned about Mary Seacole, for example, only Florence Nightingale. My favourite fact about her was that she was more than qualified to help with the Crimean War as her dad was a soldier and her mother was a healer. Another favourite fact is one about Gertrude Ederle – her coach, Jabez Wolffe, had attempted to swim the English channel 22 times and never made it, but she DID!

Did any of the characters in the show resonate with you?

I feel very connected to Rosa within the show. She has a very calm and peaceful temperament, but is so passionate with Jade when it comes to being proud of who you are.

How important do you think it is that people – particularly young girls and women – see these incredible heroines represented and their stories told on stage?

It is SO important! These women are literal proof that you can achieve your dreams, no matter your gender, race, heritage, sexuality, or disability.

The character of Mary Seacole dressed in British Red Cross uniform on stage during a previous run of Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World.

British nurse Mary Seacole during a previous run of Fantastically Great Women. Credit Pamela Raith.

Leah’s inspirations

Do you have any favourite musical heroines?

Anita in West Side Story is an absolute icon. I’m also a BIG fan of Angelica and Eliza Schuyler from Hamilton, and Fanny Brice from Funny Girl.

Who are some women who have inspired you in your life?

Where do I begin?! My mum, my nan (who is my BFF), my other best friend, (who is hilariously also called Leah), my late dance teacher Vicki-Jo, my agent Ellie, my ArtsEd singing teacher Ann – the list goes on! I also had a French teacher from high school called Mrs Grimes, who was an incredible French teacher, but also came and supported me in every local musical I did back in Rugby! To name a few!

The characters of Rosa Parks and Jade on stage during a previous run of Fantastically Great Women.

Rosa Parks and heroine Jade inspiring an audience. Credit Pamela Raith.

A previous cast of Fantastically Great Women on stage.

Fantastically Great Women's cast in action. Credit Pamela Raith.

The character of Frida Kahlo on stage on a floaty multi-coloured dress.

Painter Frida Kahlo showing off her multi-coloured dress on stage. Credit Pamela Raith.

Be inspired

What have you enjoyed most about working on the show?

Being inspired by all the women in the room. Female & non-binary rehearsal rooms rock my world.

Who should come and see the show?

Everyone! It is time for the lives of these fantastic women to be heard!

What do you hope audiences take away from Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World?

That it is never too late to change the world, follow your dreams, and live as your most authentic self – you are enough, and you are exactly where you belong!

Leah Vassell headshot.

The fantastic Leah Vassell, part of the touring company of Fantastically Great Women. Credit Andy Brown.

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