Samuel Pope (Robin Hood) and Lucy Keirl (Maid Marian) sing together as fireworks erupt.

Panto Activities

Courtesy of the kind people who run #PantoDay, we bring you several free activities that can be printed to keep the kids entertained. This year #PantoDay falls on Fri 13 December and is celebrating families. From Twankeys to Trotts, grandparents to grandchildren, siblings on stage, and Pantoland being one huge happy family, we’re celebrating everyone!

Panto Day crossword

Panto Day Design a Dame Dress

Make your own panto cow

Panto Day word search

Tim Roberts (Rat Smallpox), James Hudson (Rat Scurvy), Lana Walker (Fairy).

Tim Roberts (Rat Smallpox), James Hudson (Rat Scurvy), Lana Walker (Fairy). Credit Ant Robling